Mon 27 Jan
Munchies? Sweettooth? Fetish? No matter Your Craving.. Im here to Please You Baby!!!! Call Now!!!! - 24
(Little Rock, 630)
(┛❍ᴥ❍)┛彡┻━┻🌟NeW arrival ~♥~💖💖Petite ♥💫Sexy 💫~♥~ Real 💫 ♥Ready💫(┛❍ᴥ❍)┛彡┻━┻ - 28
(Little Rock, Little Rock Airport Area)
Happy Birthday To Me😘🌹Slim Petite💃💎Jamaican&Cherokee; Queen🍒🍓 Mz No Tonselz💦👅 Splash Kakes🍰 - 23
(Bronx, Uptown bronx/ westchester)
!?!?!_(((( Kate _)))__Want to play with a hot sexy blonde who knows how to have a good time?!?!? - 3
(Jonesboro, Little Rock)
Kick off your July with a BANG!!! Raquel will do you right!!! - 36
(Little Rock, Little Rock/Fair Park)
good morning baby coming to dare for the best thing I do whatever you want914.327.9068 - 30
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
Come Finish Wherever U Plz ;-) BodyRub Included In EachSession 60`70`80`90 100`160 ;)😻9292285253 - 19
(Bronx, HOSTING In Pvt Home On FORDHAM RD 4Train)
GET..... IT..... WHILE ..... ITS ..... HERE ..... EXOTIC ..... BONNI LUV - 22
(**My Place or Yours**)
{FaNtAsY FuLFiLlInG BeAuTy AvAiLaBlE NoW, ALL DaY & EvEnInG near PiNe BlUfF!!!! - 36
💜💙Early Morning 🍒 AmAziNg💜💙NEW PixXx💊 CoMe PLaY WiTh Me 💊💙💯 #1 WaNtEd 💊💊 SwEeT 💙💜 SeXI - 22
(Little Rock, Southwest (Outcalls & in))
**** EROTIC DOMINICAN FETISH FANTASY ? **** Heaven 832- 776- 0251 {** AVAILABLE NOW **} - 21
(Outcalls - ALL Surrounding areas)
Espero tu Llamada Ecuadorian Kenia 718 825 8518 Mexican Lupita Mexican2 PleaseU Atrevida - 20
(Bronx, bronx yonkers mht westchester)
Eva Da Beast ¤ Quality time w/ Adorable Caramel Queen ¤ New Look ¤ New Stats 42DDD-38-52 Booty - 21
(Houston, reliant area In/OUt NW,SW,All over Hou)
🍦🍦 Delicious Treat 🍭🍭 Temperature Rising 😈😈 Hottie With A Body 💅👄 - 26
(Little Rock, Outcalls all over)
******* Ebony Princess ******* $50 specials incalls only - 22
(Bronx, 231st Bailey #1 train (Riverdale))
{ :::: Dr0p De@d Gorgeous bon¥ ::::: } °° 1o,0o0% Re@£ Pics °° ((( Curvy & Th¡©k ))) MoDel T¥p! - 21
(Westchester, Bronx, YONKERS incalls/out)
Enjoy the touches of the most exotic WOMAN in HOUSTON . . . ( ( After Work Specials ) ) - 23
EnerGetiC PlaYfuL eXotic Beauty. SPECIALS FOR You..Available NOW... * 8O * KiSsEs - 22
★••★•• Blk & Italian 46DD ★•• FeTiSh★•• ❤WeLcOmE ★•• BiG★•• ❤GiRlz DoN't★•• CrY★••❤ - 24
(Bronx, Bronx E. tremont)
😊😁😂😃Are you tired of Pic Thieves and Fake Girls😊😂😁😃 I'm 100 percent Real 👍👍👍 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
Dont u love a descrete NASTY NINPHO who loves what she does?well here I AM!!!!!!!! Y wait? call now! - 21
(Houston, Anywhere in Houston)
========== aN ** XmAs ** PrEsEnT ** fOr ** yOu!!! ========== mY pLaCe! ========= - 30
Best lovely to your good magic touch free table shower hice pretty latina 718. 772. 4421 - 27
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
D.F.W Hottie Is In The Galleria Area!! Make Your A.P.T With This Mixed Bombshell!! - 19
(Houston Galleria Area ( I 610 North))
**50 for thirty mins** Only for Independence day !! Seductive and Ready ... - 21
(Little Rock, Lr & Surrounding Areas)
⚠ 👬4 Star Location. 5 Star Service OPEN LATE! 👭 Call /Text For Details♚(501)408-0183 - 32
(Downtown Little Rock,, Little Rock)
💋💋delicious, freaky,💋 independent with m💋💋th wate👛ng skills💋💋 - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Your bed)
Afternoon specials Ready to relax on lunch or after work? check me out! - 21
(Little Rock, north little rock)
😗 100%real pixx ★ 💋💕⇨【 SExY°】★《pRetTy FαCє》 ⇨💋 ★WELL REVIEWED!! Don't MisS OuT!! 👄 - 27
(Little Rock, 👄LR & Surrounding Areas💋)
DIAL# ((( 832 454 1180 ))) & CUMM INTO MY WORLD ~~specials~~ TONIGHT +seductive+ BRUNETTE - 21
Upscale NEW Young Classy Brunette BOMBSHELL Freak in ❤️ With White Guys!!! ♋️ Paris ☎️ 310-467-0691 - 22
(Little Rock)
Beautiful Open Minded Artist seeking Gentleman Companions - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Queens, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
☆Alw@ys ☆On ☆My☆N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! ✔☎~ -»The BeST Of The BeST »50 Specials ! ! - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
⚘💎Turn 🆙 get turned on 👙👠 touch me & let me show you just how GOOD I can be💎🍒 - 28
(Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown east Manhattan by 52nd & lex)
ATTENTION! Morning SPeCiAl 60 80 120 GENTLEman lets have Fre@Ky ❤ Fun ( ☺Big Booty Bella ☺) - - 22
(Bronx, Boston Road Incalls only)
💯😘 ATTENTION GUYS : guess who's back and Bronx CLICK ON THIS POST asap 👌VIDEO - 20
* * * CurvaLICIOUS 42 D **ThIcka- than- A- Snicka** w/ a *THROAT Deep as the Grand Canyon* - 25
Come Start Your Day Off Right ... REAL Filipino Playmate & MixXxed Vixen - 22
(Galleria/Med Center/All of Houston)
Cristal❤️😘//832 342 4624 ❤️80❤️100❤️160❤️ ✋ RIGHT ⚠️ Ther✋ extremely talented ❤️💎RUBY 💎❤️ 🌟SEXY LATINA🌟 - 28
(City of Houston, Houston, Richey rd and I-45 north)
Chocolate Caked Up TomBoi TashaFetish Big Booty BBW Ebony Godess amazon100%Girl BigBoOty Beauty - 24
(Bronx, NewRochelle /Uptown Plush incall /)
CoMe AnD PlAy WiTh mE... GrEaT sPeCiAlS!!! NaTiVe AmErIcAn InDiAn BbW!!! - 25
(Houston, 59/beltway 8 S.W.)