Fri 03 Jan
________ ________ BeAutifUL ________SeXy Korean______ 8_________ ________ ______ ______ - 26
(Sherman Oaks/I-101 & I-405)
█▓█▓█▓█ ★818-853-3353 ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★ BEST SERVICE IN TOWN ★ █▓█▓█▓█ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Ave & Sherman Way)
~1/2 hr 100 rose special w / sexy exotic blonde Armenian / Filipina XXXrated NYMPHO~ - 21
█████████████◆◆ All RED Everything ◆◆█████████████ - 26
(Las Vegas, INCALLS ONLY - Flamingo & Wynn Road)
💎 A True VIP Exotic Beauty, Heavy Shooter , "One OF the MOST Stunning TS" 💎 - 22
(Las Vegas, Treasure Island Casino • Incall & Outcal)
V I S I T I N G 🌈🌈🌈🌈 BUSTY 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 PLAYMATE 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 R E V I E W E D - 30
(East, Elko, Las Vegas, North, South, strip and surrounding, The Strip)
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥_It's Time to Feel Good Again! Indulge yourself !♥♥♥__(*_*) - 28
(San Diego, North Park San Diego)
(( LOOKING to try something NEW !? )) ____________ ❀✿ My name is ROSIE . ❀✿ - 26
(Las Vegas, OUTCALLS)
Young Blond And Energetic! See Instant Proof I'm Real & Come On Over For A Better Look! - 19
(Las Vegas, Rainbow&West; Warm Springs)
:{ SiiMPLy * iiRreSiiStiible }--{ A * TruLy * UnForgettaBLE * ExpeRiiEnce }:S e x y - 22
(Mission Valley Incall)
SensualiTy StaTioN ... Natural Personality... Hands Down Skillz N SeRvIcE that WiLL TuRn ur MiNd! - 35
(North SD County, N. SD County Oceanside! in & ...)
L A S T //// D A Y //// H E R E //// S P E C i A L //// 1oo ____ROSES All Day /// L A C E Y - 20
Never without a new move or two.. Upscale Companion-Zero Drama! - 21
(Houston, 45 South Beltway Incalls&Out;)
Insatiable Thrist For That "OMG" Moment! Lustful Lips! Enticing Outcall Special! Answers! - 22
⬛⬛ 💟💟💟💟💟 ASIAN & Ebony MIX ☆ ⬛💟💟💟💟💟⬛ GATEWAY TO PARADISE - UR LUCKY DAY⬛⬛💟💟💟💟💟⬛⬛ - - 27
(Lake Charles, sulphur)
--** GET OUT of the HOILDAY RUSH!! Come relax with our SPICY LIL ASIAN TOMATOES!! **-- - 21
(miami spa-4505 N HWY 6)
**BIG__ BootIE__ SUpeR__ CUtiE__** COme CElebRAte My 20th__ B-dAY W/ me.. UP aLL NIgHT__ - 20
♥ Hot, Sweet, & everything you NEED! ♥ Brunette Girl NexT Door ♥ I can be to you quick! T3R reviewed - 26
(Phoenix, Phx North, your place only please)
📣 NeW 4 You☝ FrEaKy GuRL that Will RoCK and RoLl your WoRlD👉 HuRrY wHiLe in ToWn💦💦💦 - 19
(Columbus, Out calls Only)
Part Time Sugar Babies Wanted [No Experience Required] Easy $800+/day - 30
(Houston, Houston Galleria)
☆○•Italian goddess•○☆○• sweet n naughty :!: 6149001366 ★INCALL/ OUTCALL ANYWHERE IN COLUMBUS★ - 24
(Columbus, EAST///Mobile 100% independent)
💜I'm 100% REAL!💜I'm GUARANTEED to satisfy your EVERY need!🌸 The BEST IN COLUMBUS!🌼 - 25
(Columbus, Columbus Ohio)
i am tess sexy nice available at safe location on north inn 987-7500 - 27
(Columbus, north columbus)
{ InCaLL sPECIALs } -:¦:- TrEaT -:¦:- YoUrSeLF -:¦:- To ThE BeSt -:¦:- { TER aPProVeD } - 21
(~*~24hr MENTOR Incall~*~)
50$ SPECIAL (til 5pm MY LAST DAY) with Miss APPLEBOTTOM Amber the whole package! - 24
(Columbus, E.Dublin granville)
+ ~ + ( ( W_E_L_C_O_M_ E *^* T_O *^* P_A_R_A_D_I_ S_E *^* COME *^* INTO *^* MY *^* WORLD ) ) ~+- - 1 - 21
(cleveland/surrounding areas)
TrY SoMeThinG LusCiouS "new low rates" call now - 19
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS ONLY!, brookpark,parma,lakewood)
$uper Dumb $pecials with the best of the Baddest... {new num.} - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
ೋ _____ ೋ _* U_N_L_ I_M _I_T_E_D*_ *_ ೋ _*P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E*_ ೋ _____ೋ - 20
★ SExy Sεductivε Shorty %1000 REAL PICS =CLICK HERE= ★ SnEaK aWaY & cOmE pLaY☆★ - 23
(Cleveland, youngstown boardman niles In/ outcalls)
***Sexy SeDucTrEsS OuT 2 Play**** *100% PuRe ***FeTiShes FaVoRed***** - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain / Incall&Out;)
😍😍❄❄⛄OuTcallS❄⛄😜 💋💯👉Mz. Cherokee👠NeW PiCs❄⛄W!NtER ❄WoNder⛄⛄❄@ll nite !!!👠👠💄 OuTcallS 24/7 - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland Outcalls all day/night)
(N€W P¡C'S) CØM€ PU† M¥ SK¡LLS 2 TH€ †€S† T¡Gh† Gr¡P WØn'† §L¡P☆ F®€Ak!€§T ØF TH€M ALL!! CoMe SeE!!! - 27
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr in/outcalls)
LIVE -n- DA Flesh JuIcY J. JoSlYn In FULL Effect!!!!!! More me Please!!! Earlybird specials. - 27
Forget the TITLE, just 👉CLICK HERE👈 for unmentionable FUN!‼️ AVAILABLE NOW‼️ - 21
(Cleveland, West side! Incall & outcall!!)
✦Freaky Bombshell Ready To Play, Just One Quick Call Away!! 216✦386✦7870✦ - 19
(Cleveland, Broadway (IN))
*_*BoOtY _*_*_*_ On *_*_*_*_ DuTy *_*_*_*_*_* BoOTy *_*_*_AlErT ....100 Ki$$ SpEcIaL$!!!!! - 22
(i-77S (NEAR MEDINA) Incall (-My Bed)
▓█ ●Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD● ▓█ ♥H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD♥ ▓Beautiful ☆ [Thick & Curvy]☆ Mixed Puerto Rican Doll - 22
(Cleveland, beachwood area in/Out all suburbs)
💋💋💏FRee Free Freee Freee IF iT AINT MEEE I LOVE 2222 KiSS & CUDDLE SO CALL 440 207-0788 - 35
(Cleveland, Downtown Uptown All around ToWn)
Beautiful BLONDE With An HOUR GLASS FIGURE :: DELICIOUS Taste of Heaven With An Amazing PERSONALITY - 25
(King of Prussia - Incall/Outcall)
👅💦➜🇽😈🇷🇦🇹🇪🇩 👉Go 🇩🇪🇪🇵🇪🇷 ⇨ ⓘⓝⓢⓘⓓⓔ ♋️💦🐴Stallion Stacked & Full Figured 🇩🇩👙 - 21
(Kensington ,, North, Philadelphia)